They are all computer chairs, why are some cheap and some expensive?#mesh office chair
It's like girls buying bags. Three or forty bags and three or forty thousand bags are also bags. Why is there such a big gap?
The same is true for computer chairs. Some computer chairs look the same, but they all look like this!
In fact, we don’t need to think about it. We all know that if things are the same, even if they are sold by different sellers, the price should not differ too much. If the price differs too much, the quality will be different. , Value determines the price! There must be a difference between a chair of dozens of dollars and a chair of thousands of dollars.
I personally feel that if I must choose a cheap one, then don’t choose too cheap. If you want to buy an ergonomic chair for your own health, someone tells you that I can sell it to you for a few dozen dollars. I think before you buy it, think about it. If the chair is effective, it must be expensive. , Suitable for your needs, within your tolerance, choose a good one, it is very suitable!
#mesh office chair
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